Why I Give To Corban

“I fell in love with what Corban was doing in her life.”

Watch Dr. Greg Trull’s story.

“Corban equipped us to understand our faith”

Watch Jordan LIndsey’s story.

“Corban hires faculty who want to mentor students.”

Watch Dr. Marty Trammell’s story.

“Corban embraces our kids with love.”

Watch Ed Dressel’s story.

“Corban was instrumental in determining our careers, ministry, and lives.”

Watch John and Sue Wack’s story.

“The education went far beyond my degree program.”

Watch Kelsea Bank’s story.

“I have joy giving to Corban.”

Watch Justin White’s story.

“Corban comes alongside students with God’s timeless truth.”

Watch Lori Dressel’s story.

“I love being a part of Corban’s story.”

Watch Kelsey Oran and Terry Hancock’s story.