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Corban University
5000 Deer Park Drive SE
Salem, OR 97317
(503) 516-3383
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Campaign for Corban Athletics
While our athletes seek to glorify God through their athletic performance, our inadequate athletic facilities are a major obstacle to accomplishing this goal. Corban has never had a track & field complex on campus and poor drainage makes our soccer field unplayable most of the year. Our teams have to rely on rented facilities in the surrounding area for practices and competitions.
The result is that athletes are forced to sacrifice precious hours of travel time to and from campus for practices and for games. This is a significant barrier to recruitment because all prospective students and parents see is the barrier to the excellence they strive to achieve.
A new athletic complex would be an asset in recruiting new students!
What We Didn’t Count On
COVID-19 sent college athletics into a tailspin. The Fall 2020 sports season was postponed to Spring 2021, creating a major gridlock for soccer, lacrosse, and track & field teams – all of which need our one and only field for practice and games.
With every sports program facing the same challenges, Corban risks losing access to practice and competition fields at other schools. If we are lucky enough to gain access to other fields, every trip off campus increases the risk of our students contracting COVID-19. Therefore, to maintain social distancing guidelines, we need extra vehicles, which incurs additional travel costs.
The need is urgent. To ensure our teams have a place on campus to practice and compete, we need a new athletic complex immediately.
Hear from Coach Norm Berney
Ride along with coach Norm Berney to the track team’s rented facility as he describes the need for a new outdoor athletic complex on Corban’s campus.
More Video Content
Hear from other Corban coaches and athletes here.
Outdoor Athletic Complex Before and After Illustration
Slide the icon left and right to see before and after of the track installation.

Enhancing the Warrior Spirit
- First rate athletic facilities will encourage the creation of a community culture on campus. Home games bring together families, friends, and community members to demonstrate the Warrior spirit and cheer on Corban athletes.
- Prospective students who visit campus are much more likely to enroll if they like what they see and feel a community spirit.
Branding and Increased Revenue
- Excellent on-campus track & field facilities will allow us to host large regional high school events, gaining exposure from across the Pacific Northwest.
- We can become a community resource for track clubs and lacrosse teams, allowing for rental income.
- A turf soccer and lacrosse field, as well as track and field facilities, will allow us to save money on the rental fees currently paid for field use, saving $70k annually.
- Corban’s campus could also become a revenue–generating resource as Salem–Keizer schools, parks and recreation, and other groups need excellent rental facilities.
Better College Experience
- Students save valuable travel time, limiting interference with academic requirements.
- Lighted fields allow athletes to practice later in the evenings, optimizing class schedules and classroom space.
- On-site facilities will reduce our athletes’ potential exposure to COVID 19 and the increased risk of traffic accidents.
$4 Million Campaign
It’s a fact! Corban needs a first-class outdoor athletic complex which includes an on-campus track. The most recent estimates total $4.0 million, which includes a 10% contingency reserve.
The Good News!
We already have $3.6 million committed, leaving only about $400 thousand to go!
Interested in a Naming Opportunity?
The entire track and field complex can be named for a gift of $2.0 million
The soccer field can be named for $1.0 million
The track can be named for $500,000

Will you honor our students’ hard work and help us complete this exciting project? Our student-athletes don’t need these facilities to just to win — they need them to stay in the game!