Guest Faculty Speakers

As an outgrowth of our mission to connect churches with the resources of Corban University.  Click the biography button below to peruse our featured faculty speakers for Sunday or extended speaking engagements.

Our faculty teach and preach biblical truth consistent with the Corban University statement of faith.

To request a speaker, please email Shirley Turner or contact her by phone at 503-375-7130.  We look forward to partnering with you!

Fast Facts

  • Our guest speaker team includes Corban faculty and staff who sign and affirm the University’s doctrinal statement.
  • Speakers come from a variety of backgrounds with various ministry experiences.
  • When making arrangements for a speaker, please consider arrival details, order of service and service time(s), technology options for the speaker, contact person for guest speaker, and arrangements for compensation and accommodations.
  • The University does not provide travel or other forms of compensation for a church’s engagement of our featured speakers. Churches are encouraged to collaborate with speaker regarding travel expenses and/or an honorarium as appropriate for this ministry. Churches who are unable to assist speakers in some way should indicate that when requesting a speaker.