Dr. Scot Bruce - History Professor

Tempering the Marxist Worldview with Biblical Truth

Dr. Scot Bruce – History Professor

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”  – Romans 12:2

It is easy – tempting perhaps – to dwell on the darkness of mankind, both past and present. Secular scholars often analyze world events through a Marxist lens: dividing participants into two groups, the oppressed and the oppressors. This leaves little nuance for the range of humanity, and the reality of the good that has always been present, even during troubled times. Dr. Bruce’s message is one of hope, of trust and faith.

He explains that Christian scholars must be willing to be different – and must also remember that they are “Christian scholars, not scholars who happen to be Christian.” This frequently means having a distinct analysis of historical events. Instead of dwelling on the evil of WWII, and questioning the presence of God during atrocious occurrences, we can look carefully and see God’s presence – and the presence of goodness, as so many fought against evil forces.

Dr. Bruce understands evangelical concerns for our modern culture, and the present and potential problems. But, he firmly states, “I believe we have opportunities — in the darkness, in the storm, before the dawn breaks.”

Approaching current events with a Christian worldview means diving into the nuances of our issues and seeing God’s light in the world, reflected in His children. It means moving beyond the simplistic dichotomy of oppressed vs. oppressor, and finding true wisdom.