Dr. Bryce Bernard - Professor of Business

Building Success in Business, Life, and Ministry

Dr. Bryce Bernard – Professor of Business

“For what does it benefit a person to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?” – Mark 8:36

Dr. Bryce Bernard is passionate about educating future Christian businessmen and women. In this video he discusses the importance of conducting both business and personal life with Biblical principles informed by scripture. He says the most important part of his job is helping his students develop a worldview.

“In business, you can’t operate in the world unless you know God’s perspective on the world and how we’re to interact with it.” This means understanding scripture and applying Biblical principles to all situations.

There shouldn’t be a difference between the ethics and principles of your personal life and business life, Bernard says. “My life as a Christian and my career are one and the same. Who I am as an individual needs to be the same in both arenas.” Both should be driven by ministry.

Bernard talks to his students about profit. He asks tough questions: Should a Christian business hoard profit? What does God say about profit? What should we be doing with it? Christian stewardship of money looks different than a secular approach.

Dr. Bernard believes that part of his job is being a good role model. Instead of simply lecturing about Biblical business, he builds relationships with his students and is an intentional example of what it looks like to be a loving father, husband, and community member.

He says college is a vital time in faith formation – students who come from Christian homes are arriving with the faith of their parents. During their time at Corban, that faith becomes their own, and it needs to be solidly rooted.

“If they have a passion for Christ and they understand Chris’s role in their life, I don’t have to worry about…where they’re going to be 5 years from now.”