A Tribute to Juan Arriaga-Juarez

Our Corban family was deeply saddened at the unexpected loss of one of our own. Juan Arriaga- Juarez was a beacon of joy on campus. He was deeply involved in student leadership, serving as a Student Senator in the 20-21 school year and elected as SGA Vice President for 21-22. His passion for the Lord and for his fellow students was evident in all he did. 

As we take time to grieve the loss of a friend, we have compiled tributes that honor the indelible impact Juan left on those he encountered. 

Michael McGee: “Juan was the first friend I made at Corban. We both joined the political science program and very quickly discovered that we were on opposing sides of the political spectrum. However, this didn’t stop him from befriending me. While the world continues to fall to political division, Juan’s friendship to me defeated that darkness. We looked at each other and knew that despite our differences we would be friends through the bond that Jesus Christ gives us.” 

Dr. Tony Caito: “Juan was this year’s winner of our annual political science award. He exhibited political and spiritual maturity as an example to all our other students in the major. Juan was such a joyful person who encouraged everyone around him. I loved witnessing his growth of spiritual, personal, and vocational maturity during his time at Corban. Students in our political science program will feel his positive effect for many years to come.” 

Professor John Scott: “Juan was actively committed to see Christian justice realized on behalf of the needy. We can continue his legacy by carrying this torch.” 

Nate McCall: “He always had an ear to listen, clinging onto every word made in jest or in deep conversation. He would commit it to memory, meaning jokes became running jokes, and issues became solutions. There was never a brother who showed God’s love more than Juan did to everyone on this campus. Every Thursday, he came up to the coffee shop and discussed life or ideas with me. Those times inspired me to go forward with my plans and ambitions, some of which I hope to complete by the start of next fall thanks to his help.” 

Rebekah Ballard: “Juan lived every day of his life with purpose and intention. One of my favorite things about Juan was the way he pursued a friendship with me and everyone around him. He was one of the most encouraging people in my life, and I saw him encourage others regularly. He often sent me encouragement cards in the mailroom and messages to let me know that he was praying for me. He was a friend that I could always count on and one that I knew truly wanted the best for me. He encouraged and befriended so many people in his life, and I know that I will seek to live a life that honors his legacy in the way that I befriend others.” 

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